Solution Manual for Java Data Structures, 1st Edition, Joao Azevedo, James Cutajar

Solution Manual for Java Data Structures, 1st Edition, Joao Azevedo, James Cutajar ,

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Solution Manual for Java Data Structures, 1st Edition, Joao Azevedo, James Cutajar ,

Table of Contents
Module 1:
Algorithms and Complexities:
Developing Our First Algorithm.
Measuring Algorithmic Complexity with Big O Notation.
Identifying Algorithms with Different Complexities.
Module 2:
Sorting Algorithms and Fundamental Data Structures:
Introducing Bubble Sorting.
Understanding Quick Sort.
Using Merge Sort.
Getting Started with Fundamental Data Structure.
Module 3:
Hash Tables and Binary Search Tree:
Introducing Hash Tables.
Getting Started with Binary Search Trees.
Module 4:
Algorithm Design Paradigms:
Introducing Greedy Algorithms.
Getting Started with Divide and Conquer Algorithms.
Understanding Dynamic Programming.
Module 5:
String Matching Algorithms:
Naive Search Algorithms.
Getting Started with the Boyer-Moore String.
Searching Algorithms.
Introducing Other String Matching Algorithms.
Module 6:
Graphs, Prime Numbers, and Complexity Classes:
Representing Graphs.
Traversing A Graph.
Calculating Shortest Paths.
Prime Numbers in Algorithms.
Other Concepts in Graphs.
Understanding Complexity Classes of Problems.