Solution Manual for Juvenile Delinquency (Justice Series), 3rd Edition, Clemens Bartollas, Frank Schmalleger
Table of Contents
PART 1: The Nature and Extent of Delinquency
1. Adolescence and Delinquency
2. The Measurement and Nature of Delinquency
PART 2: Causes of Delinquency
3. Individual Causes of Delinquency
4. Social Structural and Social Process Theories of Delinquency
5. Social Interactionist Theories of Delinquency
PART 3: Environmental Influences on Delinquency
6. Gender and Delinquency
7. Families and Delinquency
8. Schools and Delinquency
9. Gangs and Delinquency
10. Special Juvenile Offender Populations
PART 4: The Juvenile Justice System
11. Overview of Juvenile Justice in America
12.Police and the Juvenile
13. Juvenile Court
14. Juvenile Corrections
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