Test Bank for Technical Communications, 7th Canadian Edition, John M. Lannon, Don Klepp, Shannon Kelly

Test Bank for Technical Communications, 7th Canadian Edition, John M. Lannon, Don Klepp, Shannon Kelly

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Test Bank for Technical Communications, 7th Canadian Edition, John M. Lannon, Don Klepp, Shannon Kelly

Table of Contents
Part 1: Communicating in the Workplace
Chapter 1: Introduction to Technical Communications
Chapter 2: Preparing to Write: Audience/Purpose Analysis
Chapter 3: Writing Efficiently
Chapter 4: Collaborating at Work
Chapter 5: Writing Persuasively
Chapter 6: Writing Ethically
Part 2: Information Gathering, Analysis, and Manipulation
Chapter 7: Gathering Information
Chapter 8: Recording and Reviewing Research Findings
Chapter 9: Documenting Research Findings
Chapter 10: Summarizing  Information
Part 3: Structural, Style, and Format Elements
Chapter 11: Organizing for Readers
Chapter 12: Designing Visuals
Chapter 13: Designing Pages and Documents
Part 4: Descriptive Writing
Chapter 14: Definitions
Chapter 15: Descriptions and Specifications
Chapter 16: Process Analyses, Instructions, and Procedures
Chapter 17: Manuals and Usability Testing
Part 5: Applications
Chapter 18: Proposals
Chapter 19: Formal Analytical Reports
Chapter 20: Adding Document Supplements
Chapter 21: Short Reports
Chapter 22: Workplace Correspondence: Letters, Memos, and Email
Chapter 23: Job-search Communications
Chapter 24: Oral Presentations
Chapter 25: Using Electronic Media