Test Bank for Reframing Organizations 6th Edition Bolman
Test Bank forReframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership, 6th Edition, Lee G. Bolman, Terrence E. Deal
PART ONE Making Sense of Organizations 1
1 Introduction: The Power of Reframing 3
2 Simple Ideas, Complex Organizations 25
PART TWO The Structural Frame 43
3 Getting Organized 45
4 Structure and Restructuring 71
5 Organizing Groups and Teams 93
PART THREE The Human Resource Frame 113
6 People and Organizations 115
7 Improving Human Resource Management 135
8 Interpersonal and Group Dynamics 157
PART FOUR The Political Frame 179
9 Power, Conflict, and Coalition 181
10 The Manager as Politician 201
11 Organizations as Political Arenas and Political Agents 217
PART F I V E The Symbolic Frame 235
12 Organizational Symbols and Culture 239
13 Culture in Action 265
14 Organization as Theater 279
PART S I X Improving Leadership Practice 295
15 Integrating Frames for Effective Practice 297
16 Reframing in Action: Opportunities and Perils 313
17 Reframing Leadership 325
18 Reframing Change in Organizations 359
19 Reframing Ethics and Spirit 385
20 Bringing It All Together: Change and Leadership in Action 399
Epilogue: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership 419
Appendix: The Best of Organizational Studies 423
Bibliography 427
The Authors 467
Name Index 469
Subject Index 481
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