Test Bank for Operationa Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions & Cases, 7th Edition, Roger Schroeder, M. Johnny Rungtusanatham, Susan Goldstein

Test Bank for Operationa Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions & Cases, 7th Edition, Roger Schroeder, M. Johnny Rungtusanatham, Susan Goldstein




Test Bank for Operationa Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions & Cases, 7th Edition, Roger Schroeder, M. Johnny Rungtusanatham, Susan Goldstein

Table of Contents

1. The Operations Function
2. Operations and Supply Chain Strategy
3. Product Design
4. Process Selection
5. Service Delivery System Design
6. Process-Flow Analysis
7. Lean Thinking and Lean Systems
8. Managing Quality
9. Quality Control and Improvement
10. Forecasting
11. Capacity Planning
12. Scheduling Operations
13. Project Planning and Scheduling
14. Independent Demand Inventory
15. Materials Requirements Planning and ERP
16. Supply Chain Management
17. Sourcing
18. Global Logistics


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