Test Bank for Microeconomics, 12th Edition, Michael Parkin

Test Bank for Microeconomics, 12th Edition, Michael Parkin




Test Bank for Microeconomics, 12th Edition, Michael Parkin

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
1. What is Economics?
2. The Economic Problem

II. How Markets Work
3. Demand and Supply
4. Elasticity
5. Efficiency and Equity
6. Government Actions in Markets
7. Global Markets in Action

III. Households’ Choices
8. Utility and Demand
9. Possibilities, Preferences, and Choices

IV. Firms and Markets
10. Organizing Production
11. Output and Costs
12. Perfect Competition
13. Monopoly
14. Monopolistic Competition
15. Oligopoly

V. Market Failure and Government
16. Public Choices and Public Goods
17. Economics of the Environment

VI. Factor Markets, Inequality, and Uncertainty
18. Markets for Factors of Production
19. Economic Inequality
20. Uncertainty and Information


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