Test Bank for Introduction to Chemistry 5th Edition by Bauer ISBN10: 1259911144, ISBN13: 9781259911149

Test Bank for Introduction to Chemistry 5th Edition by Bauer ISBN10: 1259911144, ISBN13: 9781259911149

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Test Bank for Introduction to Chemistry, 5th Edition, By Rich Bauer, James Birk, Pamela Marks, ISBN10: 1259911144, ISBN13: 9781259911149

Other ISBNs for this book:
ISBN10: 1260162095 | ISBN13: 9781260162097
ISBN10: 126016263X | ISBN13: 9781260162639
ISBN10: 1260162664 | ISBN13: 9781260162660

Table of Contents
1 Matter and Energy
2 Atoms, Ions, and the Periodic Table
3 Chemical Compounds
4 Chemical Composition
5 Chemical Reactions and Equations
6 Quantities in Chemical Reactions
7 Electron Structure of the Atom
8 Chemical Bonding
9 The Gaseous State
10 The Liquid and Solid States
11 Solutions
12 Reaction Rates and Chemical Equilibrium
13 Acids and Bases
14 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
15 Nuclear Chemistry
16 Organic Chemistry
17 Biochemistry