Test Bank for Entrepreneurship: Starting and Operating a Small Business, 4th Edition, Steve Mariotti, Caroline Glackin

Test Bank for Entrepreneurship: Starting and Operating a Small Business, 4th Edition, Steve Mariotti, Caroline Glackin




Test Bank for Entrepreneurship: Starting and Operating a Small Business, 4th Edition, Steve Mariotti, Caroline Glackin

Table of Contents

UNIT 1: Entrepreneurial Pathways

1. Entrepreneurs Recognize Opportunities

2. The Business Plan: Road Map to Success

Honest Tea Business Plan

3. Creating Business from Opportunity

Case Study:Spanx

UNIT 2: Integrated Marketing

4. Exploring Your Market

5. Developing the Right Marketing Mix and Plan

6. Smart Selling and Effective Customer Service

Case Study:Kitchen Arts & Letters, Inc.

UNIT 3: Show Me the Money: Finding, Securing, and Managing It

7. Understanding and Managing Start-Up, Fixed, and Variable Costs

8. Using Financial Statements to Guide a Business

9. Cash Flow and Taxes

10. Financing Strategy & Tactics

Case Study: Lee’s Ice Cream

UNIT 4: Operating a Small Business Effectively

11. Addressing Legal Issues and Managing Risk

12. Operating for Success

13. Management, Leadership, & Ethical Practices

Case Study: ONLC Training Centers

UNIT 5: Cashing in the Brand

14. Franchising, Licensing, and Harvesting: Cashing in Your Brand

Case Study: Honest Tea

Appendix 1: Sample Student Business Plan

Appendix 2: BizBuilder Business Plan

Appendix 3: Resources for Entrepreneurs

Appendix 4: Useful Formulas and Equations


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