Test Bank for Criminological Theory A Text/Reader, 3rd Edition, Stephen G. Tibbetts, Craig Hemmens,
Table of Contents
SECTION I. Introduction to the An Overview of Issues in Criminological Theory
SECTION II. Preclassical and Classical Theories of Crime
SECTION III. Modern Applications of the Classical Perspective: Deterrence, Rational Choice, and Routine Activities or Lifestyle Theories of Crime
SECTION IV. Early Positive School Perspectives of Criminality
SECTION V. Modern Biosocial Perspectives of Criminal Behavior
SECTION VI. Early Social Structure and Strain Theories of Crime
SECTION VII. The Chicago School and Cultural and Subcultural Theories of Crime
SECTION VIII. Social Process and Learning Theories of Crime
SECTION IX. Social Reaction and Critical Models of Crime
SECTION X. Feminist Models of Crime
SECTION XI. Life-Course Perspectives of Criminality
SECTION XII. Integrated Theoretical Models and New Perspectives of Crime
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