Test Bank for Chemistry The Science in Context, 5th edition, Thomas R Gilbert, Rein V Kirss, Natalie Foster, Stacey Lowery Bretz, Geoffrey Davies

Test Bank for Chemistry The Science in Context, 5th edition, Thomas R Gilbert, Rein V Kirss, Natalie Foster, Stacey Lowery Bretz, Geoffrey Davies

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Test Bank for Chemistry The Science in Context, 5th edition, Thomas R Gilbert, Rein V Kirss, Natalie Foster, Stacey Lowery Bretz, Geoffrey Davies

Table of Content
1. Particles of Matter: Measurement and the Tools of Science
2. Atoms, Ions, and Molecules: Matter Starts Here
3. Stoichiometry: Mass, Formulas, and Reactions
4. Reactions in Solution: On Earth and in Our Bodies
5. Thermochemistry: Energy Changes in Reactions
6. Properties of Gases: The Air We Breathe
7. A Quantum Model of Atoms: Waves, Particles, and Periodic Properties
8. Chemical Bonds: What Makes a Gas a Greenhouse Gas?
9. Molecular Geometry: Shape Determines Function
10. Intermolecular Forces: The Uniqueness of Water
11. Solutions: Properties and Behavior
12. Solids: Crystals, Alloys, and Polymers
13. Chemical Kinetics: Reactions in the Atmosphere
14. Chemical Equilibrium: How Much Product Does a Reaction Really Make?
15. Acid–Base Equilibria: Proton Transfer in Biological Systems
16. Additional Aqueous Equilibria: Chemistry and the Oceans
17. Thermodynamics: Spontaneous and Nonspontaneous Reactions and Processes
18. Electrochemistry: The Quest for Clean Energy
19. Nuclear Chemistry: Applications to Energy and Medicine
20. Organic and Biological Molecules: The Compounds of Life
21. The Main Group Elements: Life and the Periodic Table
22. Transition Metals: Biological and Medical Applications


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