Test Bank for Adult Physical Conditions: Intervention Strategies for Occupational Therapy Assistants, 1st Edition, Amy J. Mahle, Amber L. Ward

Test Bank for Adult Physical Conditions: Intervention Strategies for Occupational Therapy Assistants, 1st Edition, Amy J. Mahle, Amber L. Ward

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Test Bank for Adult Physical Conditions: Intervention Strategies for Occupational Therapy Assistants, 1st Edition, Amy J. Mahle, Amber L. Ward

Table of Contents

I. Foundations of Physical Rehabilitation, Process, and Practice
1. Client-Centered Occupational Therapy: Disability and Participation
2. Professional Considerations for Occupational Therapy Assistants
3. The Continuum of Care and the Changing Healthcare Environment
4. Health Promotion and Wellness for the Client & Practitioner
5. Teaching and Learning with Clients and Community
6. Developing the Occupational Profile and Analyzing Occupational Performance

II. Foundations of Movement & Function
7. Range of Motion: Assessment and Intervention
8. Movement, Motor Control, Sensation, Wounds, and Pain
9. Muscle Strength: Assessment and Management
10. Vision and Visual Perception
11. Cognition
12. Self-Feeding, Swallowing, and Communication
13. Transfers Across the Continuum: Safety and Management

III. Foundations of Intervention
14. Assistive Technology and Home Modifications
15. Seating and Wheeled Mobility
16. Driving and Community Mobility
17. Work Rehabilitation and Retraining
18. Physical Agent Modalities
19. Orthotics: Fabrication and Management

IV. Health Conditions & Interventions
20. Orthopedic Considerations: Spine, Pelvis, Hip, & Knee
21. Arthritic Diseases: Factors, Adaptations, and Treatment
22. Comprehensive Hand Management
23. Orthopedic Considerations: The Shoulder
24. Amputations and Prosthetics: Components, Training, and Treatment
25. Chronic Disease Management: Utilizing a Self-Management Approach
26. Cardiopulmonary Conditions and Treatment
27. Bariatric Factors and Management
28. Burns Across the Continuum of Care
29. Oncological Care and Treatment
30. Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Factors and Considerations
31. Motor Unit and Myopathic Diseases: Considerations and Treatment
32. Degenerative Diseases of the Central Nervous System: Understanding and Management
33. Cerebrovascular Accident: Critical Aspects and Components of Care
34. Traumatic and Acquired Brain Injury: Management and Treatment
35. Spinal Cord Injury and Disease: Factors and Essential Care
36. Polytrauma and Complex Multiple Conditions
37. The Pediatric Client All Grown Up
Appendix A: Lines, Leads, and Tubes
Appendix B: Answers to Review Questions


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