Solution Manual for Risk Takers: Uses and Abuses of Financial Derivatives, 2/E 2nd Edition : 0321542568

Solution Manual for Risk Takers: Uses and Abuses of Financial Derivatives, 2/E 2nd Edition : 0321542568

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A Comprehensive Solution Manual for Risk Takers: Uses and Abuses of Financial Derivatives, 2/E By John Marthinsen, Babson College •

Chapter 1: Primer on Derivatives
Chapter 2: Employee Stock Options: What Every MBA Student Should Know
Chapter 3: Roche Holding: The Company, Its Financial Strategy, and Bull Spread Warrants
Chapter 4: Metallgesellschaft AG: Illusion of Profits and Losses; Reality of Cash Flows
Chapter 5: Swaps That Shook an Industry: Procter & Gamble versus Bankers Trust
Chapter 6: Orange County: The Largest Municipal Failure in U.S. History
Chapter 7: Barings Bank PLC: Leeson’s Lessons
Chapter 8: Long Term Capital Mismanagement: “JM & The Arb Boys”
Chapter 9: Amaranth Advisors LLC: Using Natural Gas Futures to Bet on the Weather