Solution Manual for Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity, 3/E 3rd Edition : 013295351X

Solution Manual for Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity, 3/E 3rd Edition : 013295351X

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A Comprehensive Solution Manual for Opportunities and Challenges of Workplace Diversity, 3/E By Kathryn Canas Harris Sondak •

1. Diversity in the Workplace: A Theoretical and Pedagogical Perspective
2. Diversity in the Workplace: A Legal Perspective
3. An Integrated Approach to Managing Diversity in Organizations
4. Exemplary Diversity Leaders and Organizations
Case Study: Diversity as Strategy, By David A. Thomas

5. Gender
Case Study: Augusta National Golf Club: Membership for Women or Staying the Course? By Ray B. Swart, Ashish K. Singh, and Andrew Nelson under the supervision of James S. O’Rourke
Case Study: Mothers Work Inc.: Brand Image and Accusations of Employment Discrimination, By Carolyn E. Billick and Lusiena H. C. Wong under the supervision of James S. O’Rourke
6. Race and National Origin
Case Study:  The Classic Look of Discrimination: Abercrombie & Fitch’s Struggle to Manage Diversity, By Kathryn A. Cañas and Jacob K. Sorensen
Case Study Response: Abercrombie and Fitch’s Story of Transformational Work, By Todd Corley
Case Study: Making the Cut or On the Ropes: A Play-by-Play Analysis of Diversity and Sports in the NFL, NASCAR, PGA, and NBA, By Kathryn A. Cañas, Jen Lair, and Jacob Bowman
Case Study: Texaco, Inc.: Racial Discrimination Suit (A), By Tanya Goria, DeWayne Reed, and Dan Skendzel under the supervision of James S. O’Rourke
Case Study: Texaco, Inc.: Racial Discrimination Suit (B), By Tanya Goria, DeWayne Reed, and Dan Skendzel under the supervision of James S. O’Rourke
Case Study: Denny’s Restaurants: Creating a Diverse Corporate Culture (A), By M. Jennifer Abes, W. Brent Chism, and Thomas F. Sheeran under the supervision of James S. O’Rourke
Case Study: Denny’s Restaurants: Creating a Diverse Corporate Culture (B), By M. Jennifer Abes, W. Brent Chism, and Thomas F. Sheeran under the supervision of James S. O’Rourke
7. Age
Case Study: AT&T, Age Discrimination, and the EEOC, by James Oliver
Case Study: Asleep at the Wheel: Ford Motor Company’s Exclusion of the Older Worker, By Kathryn A. Cañas and Harris Sondak
8. Religion and Spirituality
Case Study: Purity of Spirit: Tom’s of Maine, Adapted by Kathryn A. Cañas and Harris Sondak from a case written by Edmund R. Gray
9. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Case Study: The Cracker Barrel Restaurants, By John Howard
Case Study: Nike and the LGBT Community: Diversity + Inclusion = A Successful Brand, By James Oliver
Case Study: When Steve Becomes Stephanie, By Loren Gary and Brian Elliot
10. Disabilities
Case Study: In the Eye of the Perfect Storm: Creating Accessibility–IBM, GM, and CISCO, By  Kathryn A. Cañas and Harris Sondak

11. Analyzing Self
12. Understanding Difference
13. Assessing Organizations