A Comprehensive Solution Manual for Olds’ Maternal-Newborn Nursing & Women’s Health Across the Lifespan 9/E By Michele C. Davidson, et al,
UNIT 1: Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Nursing
1. Current Issues in Maternal-Newborn Nursing
2. Care of the Family in a Culturally Diverse Society
3. Complementary and Alternative Therapies
UNIT 2: Women’s Health
4. Health Promotion of Women Across the Lifespan
5. Women’s Health: Family Planning
6. Women’s Health: Commonly Occurring Infections
7. Women’s Health Problems
8. Women’s Care: Social Issues
9. Violence Against Women
UNIT 3: Human Reproduction
10. The Reproductive System
11. Conception and Fetal Development
12. Special Reproductive Concerns: Infertility and Genetics
UNIT 4: Pregnancy
13. Preparation for Parenthood
14. Physical and Psychologic Changes of Pregnancy
15. Antepartum Nursing Assessment
16. The Expectant Family: Needs and Care
17. Adolescent Pregnancy
18. Maternal Nutrition
19. Pregnancy at Risk: Pregestational Problems
20. Pregnancy at Risk: Gestational Onset
21. Assessment of Fetal Well-Being
UNIT 5: Birth
22. Processes and Stages of Labor and Birth
23. Intrapartum Nursing Assessment
24. The Family in Childbirth: Needs and Care
25. Pain Management During Labor
26. Childbirth at Risk: Prelabor Complications
27. Childbirth at Risk: Labor-Related Complications
28. Birth-Related Procedures
UNIT 6: The Newborn
29. Physiologic Responses of the Newborn to Birth
30. Nursing Assessment of the Newborn
31. The Normal Newborn: Needs and Care
32. Newborn Nutrition
33. The Newborn at Risk: Conditions Present at Birth
34. The Newborn at Risk: Birth-Related Stressors
UNIT 7: Postpartum
35. Postpartum Family Adaptation and Nursing Assessment
36. The Postpartum Family: Needs and Care
37. Home Care of the Postpartum Family
38. Grief and Loss in the Childbearing Family
39. The Postpartum Family at Risk
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