Social Problems 6th Edition Macionis Test Bank

Social Problems 6th Edition Macionis Test Bank





Chapter 3 Test Bank, Racial and Ethnic Inequality

In this revision of the test bank, I have updated all of the questions to reflect changes in Social Problems, 6th edition. For each chapter of the text, this test bank provides fifty multiple-choice questions and five essay questions. The multiple-choice questions are coded for level of difficulty (easy, moderate, or difficult). The multiple choice questions are also coded for the level of reasoning involved. The four levels of reasoning are: Factual (recall of factual material), Understand (understanding key concepts), Apply (application of sociological knowledge to a situation) and Analyze (identifying the interrelationship among variables).

Types of Questions

Mult Choice Essay Total Qs
Factual material 19 (38%) 0 19
Understanding concepts 15 (30%) 0 15
Apply what you know 11 (22%) 2 (40%) 13
Analyze the issue 5 (10%) 3 (60%) 8
50 5 55

Multiple Choice Questions

Source ID: n/a

Which of the following concepts refers to a socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that a society defines as important?
a. ethnicity
b. nationality
c. race
d. subculture
(Answer: c)

Consider This: For hundreds of years, people in most societies have divided humanity into categories based on skin color, hair texture, facial features, and body shape. L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Topic/Concept: Race and Ethnicity
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Page: 68

Source ID: n/a

Some sociologists who are critical of racial classification argue that dividing humanity into racial categories amounts to a strategy that
a. allows some people to dominate others.
b. erodes national cultures.
c. slows economic development.
d. violates the beliefs found in most world religions.
(Answer: a)

Consider This: Race is a social device that lets people define themselves as better than those they want to control. By defining people around the world as being of a different racial category, European colonists justified oppressing them. L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Topic/Concept: Race and Ethnicity
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 69

Source ID: n/a

Marriage between people of different racial categories now accounts for about what portion of all marriages in the United States?
a. half of 1 percent
b. 1.2 percent
c. 8.2 percent
d. 25 percent
(Answer: c)

Consider This: The official number of multiracial births has tripled over the past twenty years and represents about 6 percent of all births. L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Topic/Concept: Race and Ethnicity
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 69

Source ID: n/a

Which of the following concepts refers to a shared cultural heritage?
a. race
b. ethnicity
c. multiculturalism
d. social class
(Answer: b)

Consider This: Just as U.S. society is racially diverse, so the population contains hundreds of distinctive ethnic categories. L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Topic/Concept: Race and Ethnicity
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Page: 69

Source ID: n/a

The remarkable racial and ethnic diversity of the United States is, most of all, a product of
a. multiculturalism in colleges.
b. intermarriage.
c. the formation of subcultures.
d. immigration.
(Answer: d)

Consider This: Everyone living in North America is descended from people who lived elsewhere. L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Topic/Concept: Race and Ethnicity
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Page: 69

Source ID: n/a

A minority is defined as any category of people
a. who have a distinctive cultural identity.
b. who live with income below the poverty line.
c. that represents less than half of the society’s population.
d. that is physically or culturally distinctive and socially disadvantaged.
(Answer: d)

Consider This: Minority identity may be based on race or ethnicity; even the most successful individuals know that their membership in a minority category reduces their standing in some people’s eyes. L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Topic/Concept: Race and Ethnicity
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Page: 71

Source ID: n/a

In 2012, for the first time, most children born in the United States
a. were born to parents born abroad.
b. lived with single fathers.
c. were minorities.
d. were poor.
(Answer: c)

Consider This: Based on current trends, analysts predict that, by about 2043, racial and ethnic minorities will become a majority of the U.S. population. L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Topic/Concept: Race and Ethnicity
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 72

Source ID: n/a

Which of the following terms refers to the systematic killing of one category of people by another?
a. infanticide
b. genocide
c. patricide
d. homicide
(Answer: b)

Consider This: Although it amounts to mass murder, it has taken place time and again in human history, often condoned and sometimes even encouraged by governments and their people. L.O.3.2 Describe four major societal patterns of interaction between majority and minority populations.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.2 Describe four major societal patterns of interaction between majority and minority populations.
Topic/Concept: Patterns of Majority–Minority Interaction
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 73

Source ID: n/a

If current trends continue, minorities will together make up a majority of the entire U.S. population by about
a. 2016.
b. 2023.
c. 2043.
d. 2063.
(Answer: c)

Consider This: Based on current trends, analysts predict that, by about 2043, racial and ethnic minorities will become a majority of the U.S. population. L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.1 Explain how race and ethnicity are socially constructed.
Topic/Concept: Race and Ethnicity
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 72

Source ID: n/a

Which of the following terms refers to the physical and social separation of categories of people?
a. segregation
b. assimilation
c. pluralism
d. the melting pot
(Answer: a)

Consider This: Usually, this happens when the majority population forces minorities to the margins of society, where they have to “stay with their own.” L.O.3.2 Describe four major societal patterns of interaction between majority and minority populations.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.2 Describe four major societal patterns of interaction between majority and minority populations.
Topic/Concept: Patterns of Majority–Minority Interaction
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Page: 73

Source ID: n/a

The term that means segregation that is supported by law is
a. de facto segregation.
b. de jure segregation.
c. hypersegregation.
d. institutional prejudice.
(Answer: b)

Consider This: A number of court cases have largely eliminated “by law” segregation in the United States. However, “in fact” segregation remains common because most neighborhoods, schools, hospitals, and even cemeteries still contain mostly people of one race. L.O.3.2 Describe four major societal patterns of interaction between majority and minority populations.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.2 Describe four major societal patterns of interaction between majority and minority populations.
Topic/Concept: Patterns of Majority–Minority Interaction
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 73

Source ID: n/a

In inner-city areas, where African American people have little contact of any kind with people in the larger society, Douglas Massey and Nancy Denton described which of the following in 1989?
a. assimilation
b. pluralism
c. hypersegregation
d. institutional prejudice
(Answer: c)

Consider This: This affected one in five African Americans living in about twenty-five of the largest U.S. cities; more recent trends involve declining racial segregation. L.O.3.2 Describe four major societal patterns of interaction between majority and minority populations.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.2 Describe four major societal patterns of interaction between majority and minority populations.
Topic/Concept: Patterns of Majority–Minority Interaction
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Page: 73

Source ID: n/a

Which of the following patterns refers to a society in which people of all racial and ethnic categories live with roughly equal social standing?
a. assimilation
b. pluralism
c. segregation
d. the melting pot
(Answer: b)

Consider This: Which term would refer to multiple numbers of people? L.O.3.2 Describe four major societal patterns of interaction between majority and minority populations.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.2 Describe four major societal patterns of interaction between majority and minority populations.
Topic/Concept: Patterns of Majority–Minority Interaction
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Page: 75

Source ID: n/a

When minorities—especially new immigrants—enter a society, they typically change their styles of dress, language, cultural values, and sometimes even their religion, in a process called
a. segregation.
b. subculturation.
c. pluralism.
d. assimilation.
(Answer: d)

Consider This: This is the process by which minorities gradually adopt cultural patterns from the dominant majority population. L.O.3.2 Describe four major societal patterns of interaction between majority and minority populations.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.2 Describe four major societal patterns of interaction between majority and minority populations.
Topic/Concept: Patterns of Majority–Minority Interaction
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Page: 74-75

Source ID: n/a

Which of the following categories of people are descended from immigrants who were the first to settle in North America?
a. Hispanic Americans
b. African Americans
c. Native Americans
d. Asian Americans
(Answer: c)

Consider This: These people included the Aleuts and Eskimos (in Alaska), the Cherokee, Zuni, Sioux, and Iroquois (farther to the south), the Aztec (in Central America), and the Inca (in South America). L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Topic/Concept: The Social Standing of U.S. Minorities
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 76

Source ID: n/a

In 1776, the year the United States declared its independence from Great Britain, slavery was legal in
a. only the southern states.
b. about half of the states.
c. only the New England states.
d. every state.
(Answer: d)

Consider This: People of African ancestry arrived in the Americas along with the first European explorers. After 1619, however, when a Dutch trading ship delivered twenty Africans to Jamestown, Virginia, to work for whites, people came to see dark skin as a marker of subordination. L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Topic/Concept: The Social Standing of U.S. Minorities
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 76

Source ID: n/a

Following the abolition of slavery, this country enacted so-called Jim Crow laws, which
a. guaranteed equal social standing for former slaves.
b. established quotas for jobs and college admissions.
c. segregated trains, restaurants, hotels, and other public places.
d. forced the relocation of thousands of people to government reservations.
(Answer: c)

Consider This: Did ending slavery mean ending racial discrimination? L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Topic/Concept: The Social Standing of U.S. Minorities
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Page: 77

Source ID: n/a

What was the landmark 1954 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that rejected the claim that black and white children could receive “separate but equal” schooling?
a. Roe v. Wade
b. Dred Scott
c. Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka (Kansas)
d. Miranda v. Arizona
(Answer: c)

Consider This: Black legal scholars, including Thurgood Marshall (1908–1993), who later served for thirty years on the U.S. Supreme Court, led an attack on school segregation, leading to this 1954 case. L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Topic/Concept: The Social Standing of U.S. Minorities
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 77

Source ID: n/a

On average, African American families earn what percentage of the amount that white families earn?
a. 97 percent
b. 57 percent
c. 77 percent
d. 27 percent
(Answer: b)

Consider This: By 2012, 41 percent of African American families earned more than $50,000 a year. But most black families remain in the working class, and about one in four lives below the poverty line. L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Topic/Concept: The Social Standing of U.S. Minorities
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 78

Source ID: n/a

Overall, Asian Americans represent what portion of the U.S. population?
a. 5.1 percent
b. 10.1 percent
c. 15.1 percent
d. 20.1 percent
(Answer: a)

Consider This: In 2012, according to the Census Bureau, Asian Americans comprised the fastest-increasing racial or ethnic category of the U.S. population, with most of the increase coming from immigration. L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Topic/Concept: The Social Standing of U.S. Minorities
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 78

Source ID: n/a

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which
a. deported all people of Japanese ancestry living within the United States.
b. forcibly relocated all people of Japanese ancestry to military camps in remote inland areas.
c. placed all people of Japanese ancestry in existing U.S. prisons.
d. extended citizenship to all Japanese people in the hope of encouraging their loyalty.
(Answer: b)

Consider This: The order forced more than 100,000 Japanese Americans to sell their businesses, homes, and farms for a fraction of their true value. L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Topic/Concept: The Social Standing of U.S. Minorities
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 79

Source ID: n/a

Which population of Asian Americans has both the highest percentage of college graduates and the second-highest percentage of those living in poverty?
a. Korean Americans
b. Japanese Americans
c. Chinese Americans
d. Asian Indian Americans
(Answer: a)

Consider This: “Asian American” is a large category made up of many distinctive communities. For instance, while most Japanese Americans have assimilated, many Korean Americans follow the example of immigrants a century ago and settle in ethnic neighborhoods, sometimes for protection from racial and ethnic hostility. L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Topic/Concept: The Social Standing of U.S. Minorities
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 79

Source ID: n/a

In 2012, Hispanic Americans represented what percentage of the U.S. population?
a. 2.9 percent
b. 6.9 percent
c. 16.9 percent
d. 36.9 percent
(Answer: c)

Consider This: Hispanic Americans, also known as “Latinos” and “Latinas,” are people with cultural roots in the nations of Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Spain. As a result, there are many Latino cultures. L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Topic/Concept: The Social Standing of U.S. Minorities
Difficulty Level: Difficult
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 80

Source ID: n/a

According to the government, which of the following is this country’s largest racial or ethnic minority?
a. African Americans
b. Hispanic Americans
c. Asian Americans
d. Arab Americans
(Answer: b)

Consider This: People in this group identify with several different countries and races. L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Topic/Concept: The Social Standing of U.S. Minorities
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 80

Source ID: n/a

The Latinos in America who are considered the most advantaged are:
a. Puerto Ricans
b. Cuban Americans.
c. Columbians
d. Mexican Americans
(Answer: d)

Consider This: This group tends to have more schooling and higher incomes. L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Topic/Concept: The Social Standing of U.S. Minorities
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Page: 81

Source ID: n/a

The term “Arab” is
a. a racial category.
b. a religious category.
c. an ethnic category.
d. a political category.
(Answer: c)

Consider This: Arab cultures are diverse but share use of the Arabic alphabet and language, and Islam is the dominant religion. A majority of the people living in Arab countries are Muslims, but some Arabs are Christians or followers of other religions. And many Muslims live outside of the Middle East. L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Learning Objective: L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.
Topic/Concept: The Social Standing of U.S. Minorities
Difficulty Level: Easy
Skill Level: Apply What You Know
Page: 81

Source ID: n/a

The percentage of Arab Americans with a four-year college degree is
a. about 40 points above the national average.
b. about 15 points above the national average.
c. about 15 points below the national average.
d. about half the national average.
(Answer: b)

Consider This: Arab Americans tend to be highly educated. L.O.3.3 Analyze the social standing of major racial and ethnic categories of the U.S. population.