Business and Professional Communication 3rd Edition Beebe Mottet Test Bank

Business and Professional Communication 3rd Edition Beebe Mottet Test Bank

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Testbank Questions

Title/Author: Business and Professional Communication: Principles and Skills for Leadership/ Steven A. Beebe and Timothy P. Mottet

Chapter Number: 2


Question Counts Required:

Multiple Choice – 10 questions @ Bloom’s level: Understanding 10
Multiple Choice – 15 questions @ Bloom’s AAE 15
Short Answer – 5 questions @ Bloom’s AAE 5
Essay – 5 questions @ Bloom’s AAE 5
Total questions per chapter: 35


Note: Here starts 10 Multiple Choice Understanding level questions

Question Title  

M/C Question 1


Assessment Type Multiple-choice
Question Stem The ________ approach is taken by a leader to manage a group to complete a task and guide the team toward a common organizational goal.
Answer Choices  

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a. functional  X  
b. style Consider This: This approach to leadership divides the essential leadership behaviors into two categories: (1) task functions and (2) process functions.

LO 2.1: Analyze how being aware of the social skills of the self and of others helps to adapt effectively to the communication skills of others

c. trait Consider This: This approach to leadership divides the essential leadership behaviors into two categories: (1) task functions and (2) process functions.

LO 2.1: Analyze how being aware of the social skills of the self and of others helps to adapt effectively to the communication skills of others



situational Consider This: This approach to leadership divides the essential leadership behaviors into two categories: (1) task functions and (2) process functions.

LO 2.1: Analyze how being aware of the social skills of the self and of others helps to adapt effectively to the communication skills of others

Learning Objective LO 2.1: Analyze how being aware of the social skills of the self and of others helps to adapt effectively to the communication skills of others
Topic/Concept Be Aware of Leadership Approaches
Difficulty Level

(mark X where applicable)

Easy Moderate Difficult
Skill Level    (mark X where applicable)  

Understand the Concepts Apply What You Know Analyze It Evaluate It


Question Title  

M/C Question 2


Assessment Type Multiple-choice
Question Stem What is the style of leadership called in which power and authority is distributed to employees and managers to provide employee involvement in decision?
Answer Choices  

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a. Democratic  X
b. Authoritarian Consider This: This type of leader encourages team members to share ideas and opinions, even though he or she retains the final say over decisions.

LO 2.1: Analyze how being aware of the social skills of the self and of others helps to adapt effectively to the communication skills of others

c. Laissez-faire Consider This: This type of leader encourages team members to share ideas and opinions, even though he or she retains the final say over decisions.

LO 2.1: Analyze how being aware of the social skills of the self and of others helps to adapt effectively to the communication skills of others



Transformational Consider This: This type of leader encourages team members to share ideas and opinions, even though the he or she retains the final say over decisions.

LO 2.1: Analyze how being aware of the social skills of the self and of others helps to adapt effectively to the communication skills of others

Learning Objective LO 2.1: Analyze how being aware of the social skills of the self and of others helps to adapt effectively to the communication skills of others
Topic/Concept Be Aware of Leadership Approaches
Difficulty Level

(mark X where applicable)

Easy Moderate Difficult
Skill Level    (mark X where applicable)  

Understand the Concepts Apply What You Know Analyze It Evaluate It


Question Title  

M/C Question 3


Assessment Type Multiple-choice
Question Stem According to which approach to motivation does a leader assume workers are motivated to work hard when they are rewarded for good work and not rewarded for poor work?
Answer Choices  

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a. Classical  X
b. Human relations Consider This: This approach states that the leader’s job is to influence the workers to behave in ways that help them produce goods or services in the most efficient and effective way possible.

LO 2.2: Evaluate the different motivational approaches followed in organizations

c. Human resources Consider This: This approach states that the leader’s job is to influence the workers to behave in ways that help them produce goods or services in the most efficient and effective way possible.

LO 2.2: Evaluate the different motivational approaches followed in organizations



Behavioral Consider This: This approach states that the leader’s job is to influence the workers to behave in ways that help them produce goods or services in the most efficient and effective way possible.

LO 2.2: Evaluate the different motivational approaches followed in organizations

Learning Objective LO 2.2: Evaluate the different motivational approaches followed in organizations
Topic/Concept Be Aware of Leadership Assumptions


Difficulty Level

(mark X where applicable)

Easy Moderate Difficult
Skill Level    (mark X where applicable)  

Understand the Concepts Apply What You Know Analyze It Evaluate It


Question Title  

M/C Question 4


Assessment Type Multiple-choice
Question Stem Which approach to motivation assumes that to motivate people is to give them the tools, support, and conditions they need to solve problems?
Answer Choices  

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a. Human resources  X
b. Human relations Consider This: This approach states that people are motivated when leaders empower them to solve problems and make decisions.

LO 2.2: Evaluate the different motivational approaches followed in organizations

c. Classical Consider This: This approach states that people are motivated when leaders empower them to solve problems and make decisions.

LO 2.2: Evaluate the different motivational approaches followed in organizations



Behavioral Consider This: This approach states that people are motivated when leaders empower them to solve problems and make decisions.

LO 2.2: Evaluate the different motivational approaches followed in organizations

Learning Objective LO 2.2: Evaluate the different motivational approaches followed in organizations
Topic/Concept Be Aware of Leadership Assumptions
Difficulty Level

(mark X where applicable)

Easy Moderate Difficult
Skill Level    (mark X where applicable)  

Understand the Concepts Apply What You Know Analyze It Evaluate It


Question Title  

M/C Question 5


Assessment Type Multiple-choice
Question Stem Which factor reflects the organizational culture in which employees are recognized and rewarded for their achievements, and these elements are valued by the organization?
Answer Choices  

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a. Ceremonies  X
b. Metaphors Consider This: The organizational culture is reflected when longevity is valued and rewarded in a company.

LO 2.3: Recognize the need to be aware of organizational culture for effective communication

c. Written rules Consider This: The organizational culture is reflected when longevity is valued and rewarded in a company.

LO 2.3: Recognize the need to be aware of organizational culture for effective communication



Art decors Consider This: The organizational culture is reflected when longevity is valued and rewarded in a company.

LO 2.3: Recognize the need to be aware of organizational culture for effective communication

Learning Objective LO 2.3: Recognize the need to be aware of organizational culture for effective communication
Topic/Concept Be Aware of Organizational Culture
Difficulty Level

(mark X where applicable)

Easy Moderate Difficult
Skill Level    (mark X where applicable)  

Understand the Concepts Apply What You Know Analyze It Evaluate It


Question Title  

M/C Question 6


Assessment Type Multiple-choice
Question Stem Which factors reflect the organizational culture when cues are given through formal and informal communication channels?
Answer Choices  

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a. Written rules and policies  X
b. Metaphors and policies Consider This: These are found on websites and in handbooks, or are presented during orientation sessions.

LO 2.3: Recognize the need to be aware of organizational culture for effective communication

c. Stories and rules Consider This: These are found on websites and in handbooks, or are presented during orientation sessions.

LO 2.3: Recognize the need to be aware of organizational culture for effective communication



Ceremonies and metaphors Consider This: These are found on websites and in handbooks, or are presented during orientation sessions.

LO 2.3: Recognize the need to be aware of organizational culture for effective communication

Learning Objective LO 2.3: Recognize the need to be aware of organizational culture for effective communication
Topic/Concept Be Aware of Organizational Culture
Difficulty Level

(mark X where applicable)

Easy Moderate Difficult
Skill Level    (mark X where applicable)  

Understand the Concepts Apply What You Know Analyze It Evaluate It


Question Title  

M/C Question 7


Assessment Type Multiple-choice
Question Stem When the civil engineer on a team estimates the quantity of steel and concrete required to build a suspension bridge, she uses ________ power.
Answer Choices  

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a. expert  X
b. referent Consider This: This type of organizational power arises from having information and being knowledgeable about issues or ideas.

LO 2.4: Express the need to remain ethical in all forms of roles in an organization

c. coercive Consider This: This type of organizational power arises from having information and being knowledgeable about issues or ideas.

LO 2.4: Express the need to remain ethical in all forms of roles in an organization



reward Consider This: This type of organizational power arises from having information and being knowledgeable about issues or ideas.

LO 2.4: Express the need to remain ethical in all forms of roles in an organization

Learning Objective LO 2.4: Express the need to remain ethical in all forms of roles in an organization


Topic/Concept Be Aware of Organizational Power


Difficulty Level

(mark X where applicable)

Easy Moderate Difficult
Skill Level    (mark X where applicable)  

Understand the Concepts Apply What You Know Analyze It Evaluate It


Question Title  

M/C Question 8


Assessment Type Multiple-choice
Question Stem Which power base refers to charismatic leaders who are able to invoke passion due to their magnetic personality among subordinates?
Answer Choices  

Answer Correct Answer (x) Feedback
a. Referent  X
b. Reward Consider This: These types of leaders use the quality relationships they have with others to wield their influence.

LO 2.4: Express the need to remain ethical in all forms of roles in an organization

c. Legitimate Consider This: These types of leaders use the quality relationships they have with others to wield their influence.

LO 2.4: Express the need to remain ethical in all forms of roles in an organization



Expert Consider This: These types of leaders use the quality relationships they have with others to wield their influence.

LO 2.4: Express the need to remain ethical in all forms of roles in an organization

Learning Objective LO 2.4: Express the need to remain ethical in all forms of roles in an organization


Topic/Concept Be Aware of Organizational Power


Difficulty Level

(mark X where applicable)

Easy Moderate Difficult
Skill Level    (mark X where applicable)  

Understand the Concepts Apply What You Know Analyze It Evaluate It


Question Title  

M/C Question 9