Test Bank for Money, Banking, and the Financial System, 3rd Edition, R. Glenn Hubbard, Anthony Patrick O’Brien

Test Bank for Money, Banking, and the Financial System, 3rd Edition, R. Glenn Hubbard, Anthony Patrick O’Brien




Test Bank for Money, Banking, and the Financial System, 3rd Edition, R. Glenn Hubbard, Anthony Patrick O’Brien

Table of Contents

Part 1: Foundations

1. Introducing Money and the Financial System

2. Money and the Payments System

3. Interest Rates and Rates of Return

4. Determining Interest Rates

Part 2: Financial Markets

5. The Risk Structure and Term Structure of Interest Rates

6. The Stock Market, Information, and Financial Market Efficiency

7. Derivatives and Derivative Markets

8. The Market for Foreign Exchange

Part 3: Financial Institutions

9. Transactions Costs, Asymmetric Information, and the Structure of the Financial System

10. The Economics of Banking

11. Beyond Commercial Banks: Shadow Banks and Nonbank Financial Institutions

12. Financial Crises and Financial Regulation

Part 4: Monetary Policy

13. The Federal Reserve and Central Banking

14. The Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet and the Money Supply Process

15. Monetary Policy

16. The International Financial System and Monetary Policy

Part 5: The Financial System and the Macroeconomy

17. Monetary Theory I: The Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Model

18. Monetary Theory II: The IS—MP Model


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