Test Bank for The Little Seagull Handbook with Exercises 3rd Edition Brody

Test Bank for The Little Seagull Handbook with Exercises 3rd Edition Brody

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Test Bank for The Little Seagull Handbook with Exercises, 3rd Edition, by Michal Brody, Richard Bullock, Francine Weinberg ,

Table of Contents

How to Use This Book

W-1 Writing contexts
W-2 Academic contexts
W-3 Writing processes
W-4 Developing paragraphs
W-5 Designing what you write

Kinds of Writing
W-6 Arguments
W-7 Textual analyses
W-8 Reports
W-9 Personal narratives
W-10 Reflections
W-11 Proposals
W-12 Literary analyses
W-13 Annotated bibliographies
W-14 Abstracts

W-15 Reading strategies

R-1 Doing research
R-2 Evaluating sources
R-3 Synthesizing ideas
R-4 Integrating sources, avoiding plagiarism

MLA style
APA style
Chicago style
CSE style

Editing the Errors That Matter
E-1 Editing fragments
E-2 Editing comma splices
E-3 Editing fused sentences
E-4 Editing mixed constructions
E-5 Editing for pronoun agreement
E-6 Editing unclear pronoun reference
E-7 Editing pronoun case
E-8 Editing for subject-verb agreement
E-9 Editing shifts in tenses
E-10 Editing citations
E-11 Incorporating sources
E-12 Editing commas with non-essential information
E-13 Editing commas after introductory words
E-14 Editing wrong words

S-1 Complete sentences
S-2 Sentence fragments
S-3 Comma splices and fused sentences
S-4 Verbs
S-5 Subject-verb agreement
S-6 Pronouns
S-7 Parallelism
S-8 Coordination, subordination
S-9 Shifts

L-1 Appropriate words
L-2 Precise words
L-3 Word often confused
L-4 Idioms
L-5 Unnecessary words
L-6 Adjectives and adverbs
L-7 Articles
L-8 Words that build common ground
L-9 Englishes

Punctuation / Mechanics
P-1 Commas
P-2 Semicolons
P-3 End punctuation
P-4 Quotation marks
P-5 Apostrophes
P-6 Other punctuation
P-7 Hyphens
P-8 Capitalization
P-9 Italics
P-10 Abbreviations
P-11 Numbers

Answers to some exercises**

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