Test Bank for Microeconomics and Behavior, 10th Edition, Robert Frank
Table of Contents
Part 1: Introduction
1. Thinking Like an Economist
2. Supply and Demand
Appendix: How Do Taxes Affect Equilibrium Prices and Quantities?
Part 2: The Theory of Consumer Behavior
3. Rational Consumer Choice
Appendix: The Utility Function Approach to the Consumer Budgeting Problem
4. Individual and Market Demand
Appendix: Additional Topics in Demand Theory
5. Applications of Rational Choice and Demand Theories
6. The Economics of Information and Choice Under Uncertainty
Appendix: Search Theory and the Winner’s Curse
7. Departures from Standard Rational Choice Models (with and without Regret)
Part 3: The Theory of the Firm and Market Structure
8. Production
Appendix: Mathematical Extensions of Production Theory
9. Costs
Appendix: Mathematical Extensions of the Theory of Costs
10. Perfect Competition
11. Monopoly
12. A Game-Theoretic Approach to Strategic Behavior
13. Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition
Part 4: Factor Markets
14. Labor
Appendix: The Economics of Workplace Safety
15. Capital
Appendix: A More Detailed Look at Exhaustible Resource Allocation
Part 5: General Equilibrium and Welfare
16. Externalities, Property Rights, and the Coase Theorem
17. General Equilibrium and Market Efficiency
18. Government
Web Chapter: Explaining Tastes: The Importance of Altruism and Other Nonegoistic Behavior
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