Test Bank for C Program Design for Engineers, 2/E 2nd Edition : 020170871X

Test Bank for C Program Design for Engineers, 2/E 2nd Edition : 020170871X




A Descriptive Test Bank for C Program Design for Engineers, 2/E By Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman, •

1. Overview of Computers and Software.
2. Overview of C.
3. Data Types, Operators, and Simple Functions.
4. Selection Structures: if and switch Statements.
5. Repetition and Loop Statements.
6. Modular Programming.
7. Arrays.
8. Multidimensional Arrays.
9. Structure Types.
10. Text and Binary File Processing.
11. Programming in the Large.
12. Introduction to Numerical Methods.
13. On To C++.


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